“Work hard, play hard” is a motto that the Texas Wranglers undoubtedly live by. We always keep a calendar full of social activities with sororities, spirit groups, and other organizations at UT. Each week, we’ll have date events, bar tabs, org mixers, and house parties to relax and let loose.
Our Sweetheart include ladies from sororities and spirit groups who make contributions to our organization through service, philanthropy, and joining us in our social events. We love having these amazing ladies represent us!
We mix with spirit groups and sororities every week at our house as well as various bars and rooftops around Austin.
Every semester in October and April, the Texas Wranglers host the wildest party in the city. Contact a Wrangler for more information and ticket details.
Most Wranglers, regardless of their age or class, find their best friends during their Maverick semester. Many members choose to live together after Mavs. Some of our interests include traveling, golfing, climbing, bible studies, and exploring Austin’s unique food scene. We also plan retreats and events including paintball, volleyball tournaments, camping, and other fun activities. At the end of the day, the reason enjoy accomplishing so much together is because of the deep friendships we have with one another.